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Exploring Yoga: A Comprehensive Course For Young Musicians

Exploring Yoga: A Comprehensive Course For Young Musicians

Exploring Yoga: A Comprehensive Course For Young Musicians

About Course

The path of learning basic yoga is a transformative journey, where the practice becomes a harmonious blend of physical and mental well-being. Nadi Shodhan, or alternate nostril breathing, acts as a calming prelude during morning yoga, creating a serene balance to start the day. Flexibility of hands takes center stage in yoga, with each stretch and extension embodying the philosophy of unity between mind and body. In this module will learn Vakrasan, a seated twist, allows for gentle spinal rotation, promoting flexibility and rejuvenation. Hand Mudras, symbolic gestures, add a meditative dimension, as fingers align in precise formations, channeling energy and focus. The art of stretching enhances flexibility and releasing tension toward a more balanced and centered existence.

Course Overview

Our sole mission is to offer a platform for learners to explore various activities and delve into diverse subjects and hobbies beyond conventional education. This Christmas, we're unveiling Santa's surprise by offering a selection of free learning opportunities. Simply register yourself and indulge in the joy of discovering something new. Happy learning!


What You Will Learn

1. The basics of Yoga

2. Varieties of Sun Salutations

3. Understanding of Yoga, mantras, and their benefits

4. The Sutra and the seven movements of Yoga

5. How to effectively integrate Yoga into your daily lifestyle

6. Different Yoga asanas are designed to stimulate flexibility and posture

7. How to meditate confidently and effectively


1. A Yoga mat

2. Steady and high-speed internet connection for watching the videos

3. Consultation from a medical professional before practicing the exercises

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Course Content

Lesson 1

Lesson 1 - Vakraasan.

Lesson 2

Lesson 2 - Morning Yoga

Lesson 3

Lesson 3 - Flexibility For Hands

Lesson 4

Lesson 4 - Nadi Shadhon

Lesson 5

Lesson 5 - Rajkapotaasan

Lesson 6

Lesson 6 - Chaturanga Dandasana

Lesson 7

Lesson 7 - Hand Mudra

Lesson 8

Lesson 8 - Streching Exercises

Lesson 9

Lesson 9 - Ashwasanchalan

Lesson 10

Lesson 10 - Anjaneyasana

A course by

The Yoga course for Beginners has been designed by Radhika Sharma. Radhika is a trained Yoga instructor with an experience of over seven years as a professional trainer. Radhika also holds an experience in physical education and cricket coaching. 

Radhika belongs to Jaipur, Rajasthan. She has completed her education along with Yoga and Cricket training at Udaipur, Rajasthan. Radhika has been known to make learning Yoga easy for her students. Through these videos, she will teach you a variety of Yoga poses with their benefits. 

Mittsure is happy to have Radhika on board to help individuals find their inner peace and spirituality.

1. Individuals of age 5 and above who wish to learn Yoga

2. No prior experience is required. This course is perfect for beginners

3. All children & adults

  • Price

You only need

Desktop/Laptop/Mobile access for an hour

Broadband internet connection

Headset(Not Mandatory)