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Kathak - A complete course for beginners

Kathak - A complete course for beginners

Kathak - A complete course for beginners

About Course

Kathak, an Indian classical dance form is a combination of drama, dance and music. This ancient dance form is used as a storytelling tool. Learning Kathak takes a lot of practice and it is extremely important to know the basics of this art form before practicing as a professional.

Kathak includes three specific forms or gharanas or houses (families). Jaipur, Benaras and Lucknow gharanas. Each of these three gharanas carries its own unique style, Lucknow gharana depicts delicate movements, Benaras gharana is more driven towards spirituality, and Jaipur gharana has movements depicting a warrior.

However, before you jump to the technicalities of these three variations, you need to learn the basics first. Learning Kathak not only adds a new talent to your profile but it also has the power to become your passion. Kathak also helps to strengthen your body muscles. Being a complex dance form, it is always beneficial to start learning Kathak early. It takes years and years to master this art form hence, if you start learning Kathak basics as a child, it will be easier to become a professional Kathak artist by the time you are an adult. A professional Kathak dancer knows about body postures, movements and techniques.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t be. You can learn this dance from a professional with more than 10 years of experience through Mittsure’s Kathak for Beginner’s course.

Want to dance your way around Kathak? Join us today to learn Kathak at your convenience.

Course Overview

Mittsure’s Kathak for Beginners course helps you learn the basics of this skill through 30 short sessions. You can access these sessions anytime, as the course is presented in the form of videos. The run time of each video is less than 18 minutes to ensure learning is fun and less time consuming. The length of these videos does not depict the information quality. By watching each video you will be able to follow a step-by-step approach towards your Kathak journey.

This course will not make you a professional but will definitely set you on the journey by teaching you the basics.

You can also register for our online classes or opt for one-on-one sessions to clarify your doubts directly with the trainer.

Wondering what you will learn in the Mittsure’s Kathak for Beginner’s course? Here is a sneak peek:

1. You will learn the basic Kathak postures, how to perform namaskaar and the procedure for tying ankle bells (ghungroos)

2. Learn different facial expressions, mudras, laya, abhinaya, and padsanchalan

3. You will learn how to walk in different ways, thaat and chakkar using 5 footsteps and heel.

4. You will also learn the wrist positions along with balancing the hand position with the neck position in Madhya and Vilambhit laya

Want to learn the techniques associated with the Kathak dance form and start your journey to become Kathak dancer? Join our Kathak for Beginners course today.

Happy dancing!


What You Will Learn

1. The basics of Kathak postures

2. How to tie and carry Ghongroos

3. Learn different layas and mudras

4. The art of storytelling through abhinays and facial expressions

5. Balance between the neck and hand positions

6. Count in Teentals (16 rhythms) and other different tempos

7. Move with grace and confidence while performing Kathak


1. High-speed internet connection for watching the videos

2. Open space to practice dance

3.Ghongroos or anklebells

4. Traditional Kathak clothing is optional

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Course Content

Lesson 1

Kathak basic posture and namaskaar Session-1

Lesson 2

Procedure for tieing ghungroos Session-2

Lesson 3

Different types of way of walking Session-3

Lesson 4

Way of walking on music Session-4

Lesson 5

Understanding of laya Session-5

Lesson 6

Wrist exercises in vilambhit laya Session-6

Lesson 7

Wrist exercises in madhya laya Session-7

Lesson 8

Wrist exercises with nagma Session-8

Lesson 9

Balancing exercises between neck and hands in vilambhit lay Session-9

Lesson 10

Balancing exercises between neck and hands in madhya laya Session-10

Lesson 11

Balancing exercises with nagma Session-11

Lesson 12

Understanding of abhinaya Session-12

Lesson 13

Facial expressions Session-13

Lesson 14

Mudras Session-14

Lesson 15

Basic stretching exercises for dance Session-15

Lesson 16

Exercises for different body parts in vilambhit laya Session-16

Lesson 17

Exercises for different body parts in madhya laya Session-17

Lesson 18

Exercises for different body parts with nagma Session-18

Lesson 19

Footwork exercises in vilambhit laya Session-19

Lesson 20

Footwork exercises in madhya laya Session-20

Lesson 21

Footwork exercises with nagma Session-21

Lesson 22

Basic teentaal padhant Session-22

Lesson 23

Basic tatkaar Session-23

Lesson 24

Basic tatkar with nagma Session-24

Lesson 25

Chakkar basics using five footsteps Session-25

Lesson 26

Chakkar Basic using heel Session-26

Lesson 27

Padsanchalan Session-27

Lesson 28

Basic exercise for thaat Session-28

Lesson 29

Thaat Session-29

Lesson 30

Thaat with nagma Session-30

A course by

Dance has been a passion and profession for Priyanka Sharma, the trainer for Mittsure’s Kathak course. She has been associated with dancing since 2009. She believes that dance helps her to express better.

Priyanka Sharma holds a B.A (Kathak) degree from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Delhi. She also enhanced her knowledge and skill by attending numerous workshops. She attended workshops by Padma Vibushan Kathak Mastero Birju Maharaj and Sadhana Kulkarni.

Priyanka Sharma’s love for dance drives her to teach students. She has been in the profession for more than 11 years. She served as a dance teacher, instructor and Kathak teacher. She also believes that dance incorporates a plethora of benefits. She believes it helps students stay focused and disciplined and enhances their creativity. Dance is also considered a physical activity that helps students stay healthy and fit.

Priyanka Sharma takes pride and joy in teaching students. Apart from dancing, she considers her decision to teach is the best. Currently, she is using Mittsure platform as a tool to teach students Kathak, thereby helping adults and children acquire the dancing skill.

Mittsure is happy to have her on board to help individuals learn the dance form of Kathak.

1. Children of age 3 yrs. And above

2. The course is for beginners. No knowledge or experience is required

3. Boys, girls and adults who wish to learn Kathak or brush their Kathak skills

  • Price

You only need

Desktop/Laptop/Mobile access for an hour

Broadband internet connection

Headset(Not Mandatory)